(Deutsch) Ein Brief an Herrn Dobrindt…

I wrote a letter to the german ministry of transportation regarding his ‘drone’-opposing regulatory efforts (german only): Sehr geehrter Herr Dobrindt, (falls Sie es tatsächlich selbst lesen…) Ich schreibe Ihnen, da ich es doch sehr befremdlich finde, wie Sie mit dem Thema ‘Drohnen’ umgehen. Die von Ihnen geplante Regulierung bzw. der ‘Drohnenführerschein’ sowie die Registrierung der Drohnen ist nicht nur sinn- bzw. nutzlos sondern auch unnötig: 1.) ‘Drohnen’ (also im Allgemeinen sog. ‘Multicopter’ mit elektronischer Stabilisierung) sind im Sinne der Luftfahrtverordnung Modellflugzeuge, also ordentliche Luftfahrzeuge. Für solche sind die von Ihnen beschriebenen Regelungen bereits präsent, wie z.B. das Verbot des Einfluges in Lufträume um z.B. Flughäfen. 2.) Was bringt Ihnen die Registrierung von ‘Drohnen’? Wenn jemand vor hat (illegalerweise) über einem Flughafen oder Atomkraftwerk zu fliegen, wird er doch sicherlich seine Registrierung deutlich sichtbar an der Drohne anbringen, oder? Im

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When faced with so much stupidity…

I’ll keep it short in english, but now Germany as well has it’s own internet-censorship-law. Politicians voted for it today and it was passed through the Bundestag. The online-petition against that law, which was signed 130000 times (thats record) had no weight in the decision. So being faced with that much stupidity and unawareness I think we can just wait until things are re-discussed in front of our national Constitutional Court.

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Jeah! Weapons for everyone!

We have elections ths year in Germany and our politicans are very excited already! They want to tighten the regulations on firearms – once again. It is strange, I thought that 6 million shooters in Germany are a pool of voters you don’t want to mess up with. But polls must show something else. It is even more strange, that they want to prohibit Paintball and Laserdom if you believe a politican called Bosbach. Well, Bosbach is not well known to me due to his engagement regarding telecommunication data retention… Weapon lockers are to be equipped with biometric locks. Jiiiha! I do know weapon lockers. I shot some time in our local shooting club, and my father does shooting as a hobby. Weapon lockers are quite well secured cabinets, specially expensive ones. If I had to open one with a

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German online-censorship

It’s been a while since I posted my last politically motivates post. This one is about the plans of the german government to establish a internet-censorship-treaty with local ISPs. Ursula von der Leyen, the german “Familienministerin” (aka federal Minister for Famlily Affairs), established a treaty, in wich german ISPs ensure that they will lock certain child pornographs-sites. The problem is, that it is a treaty between the government and ths ISPs, so this thing never acutally saw a federal legislational process. The actual list is secret, so that noone really knows which page is blocked…

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