Michi has…

Mich now went totally insane and designed a robot which moves using vibrations only! See for yourself… Video  countesty of Michi HERE is Michis post <- AND HERE the original idea by the EvilMadScientist Labs

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Reflow news

So there are some new developments concerning my new reflow control… see for yourself: The new reflow firmware regulates temperature and its derivation using a PID-regulator. Even without overshoot-compensation (which might be added later) it produces an overshoot of just about 5-10°C…

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In progress: Reflow3

A short update concerning my new reflow firmware: It consists of 37 Files, 19 of them *.c (rest is .h containing defines typedefs and structs and so on – to keep things tidy). There are (’til now) 1449 lines bare code, plus 1009 empy lines plus more or less useful comments makes 3129 Lines alltogether… I have the firmware for the new Reflow3-Controller in my pipeline. The problem was that my newly designed menu-lib didn’t work at once. So I used some LEDs for debugging. The software uses an internal scheduler, which calls certain functions periodically. To test the call of the display-refresh-function I toggled the LED inside this function. It blinked and I was also able to measure the accuracy of the timers 😉 Here my setup: (click to enlarge) And this is the Display of my (new, shiny

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The [extreme] Sport Wing

UPDATE: Here is a Video … thanks Tim for making this possible. ;D Tim and I are playing around with RC aircraft lately, and because I crashed my Katana mostly in the first flight, a substitute was due. We found a Wing (by Free Scale) in the basement, which waited for some better time. With the kit’s standard-drive-kit the performance was not quite “amazing” so I decided to go brushless. I milled the engine mount myself. But see for yourself…

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