Watercourses are important…!! :D

I love diviners. Why do I love diviners? Because diviners … because diviners are just great. I allways get a good laugh. I like watercourses most. Watercourses are a myth which spreads among diviners for some time. Geologically speaking these watercourses don’t exist – you should rather search for spots where NO water “is in the underground”, begause groundwater is just everywhere. But among diviners there’s no doubt: There ARE watercourses and they cause incredibly dangerous earth-rays.


So you might ask, woh I protect myself from such an incredible danger (a danger mankind withstood for millenia – but it affects us just NOW)… Well, I prefer to radiate far more than all earth rays together in this sun-circle (a word which I just invented, I don’t know what it means – so would you please set up a Wikipedia-article?)

Don uses a far different method: He wrapped some kilometers of water pipe ’round his bed and filled it with water (to protect him the water obviously mustn’t be moved). Additionally, he uses 2 copper-rods to parallelize the earth-rays (it’s a kind of an earth-ray laser). And last but not least he plays a “Anti earth-ray song” which can’t be recorded electronically because then it would be conducted through copper wires and with that effectless against earth-rays (we work on a full-aluminium gramophone recorder).

This is my newest invention, the earth-ray-absorber… It directs the earth-rays in the direction of the tip; the space between the rods is earth-ray-free… 😉

you applicate the earth-ray absorber like this…

I think I will sell them on ebay.

If it wouldn’t be that alarming, that so many people believe this shit, it would be really funny.

I’d like to finish this with a qoute I heared in this context but I don’t know who said that…

“There exist many things between heaven and earth which don’t appear in books, but there are many things as well, which appear in books, which don’t exist between heaven and earth.”

One comment

  • ja, diese erdstrahlen, oder wie auch immer die heißen, sind richtig gefährlich. Ich hoffe dass das federstahl in meiner matratze mich nachts auch noch zusätzlich schützt vor dieser brennenden gefahr.
    ich muss mir mal noch irgend ein elektrisches gerät überlegen, dass vorteuscht, solche imaginäre strahlen zu absorbieren.
    am besten baue ich danach noch einen sphärenkommunikator, der es ermöglicht mit subjekten aus anderen spheren zu kommunizieren, oder diese gar zu sehen.

    mir persöntlich tuen so leute immer leid die das auch noch ernst meinen 😀 😀 😀

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